Fit For Summer: 12 Week Plan
19th March 2019

With summer just around the corner and the thought of squeezing into your summer wardrobe or dare I say bikini is becoming all too real. Now is the ideal time to bite the bullet and achieve your health a fitness goals, whether you want to drop a dress size, take up a new sport or just look fabulous on the beach the Fit Friends’ Fit For Summer: 12 Week Plan is just what you need.
We are offering a complete 12 week Fit for Summer programme, yes its a bit of a commitment but you are guaranteed to lose weight, feel and look fabulous. There are only 10 places on this plan, that way we guarantee to give everyone personal attention and the tools, motivation and accountability they need to win their weight loss war!!
To Start:
You will start your programme with an initial consultation where we will take your starting weight, fat percentage, lean tissue and photographs to show you just how much your body can change in 12 weeks. (although photographs are optional ) We will work out your basal metabolic rate, chat to you about your lifestyle, mindset and how many calories you might need per day.
Your Activity and Exercise Plan
Your summer fitness plan will include up to 4 small group personal training sessions, per week, we have 49 to choose from at all times during the day so you can be flexible when you take them. There are a maximum of 4 people per group with 1 personal trainer, this ensures you work safely with the right technique and at an intensity which is right for you. This is a fun way of working out and the rest of the group, including your personal trainer will motivate you to succeed and enjoy your sessions.
We are also introducing a weekend walking programme so you can mix up your weekly activity and join us for a weekend walk to get those steps in (you can even bring your dog…)
To help you monitor your steps and activity you will also be given a free activity tracker watch – this will help you stay on track throughout the day.
Recipes and Diet
You’ll be excited to see your changes in weight and shape so on this programme you will have access to a choice of 3 weekly meeting, during which we will check your progress and chat to you about your progress for the week. Each of these meeting also includes a talk on some aspect of achieving you goals. This could be mindful eating, top takeout choices or how to make the most of your calories allowance. We will also provide you with weekly recipes that will allow you to build your own life long healthy eating plan.
For more in-depth information you will also have access to 6 of our Emotionally Fit – Wellbeing workshops, these cover topics such as; Organise your Diet and Exercise Plan, Grow your Confidence and Health Behaviour Change.
Finally at the end of 12 weeks you will emerge ready to face the summer, a leaner, lighter and more confident you.
This amazing Fit for Summer programme costs a total of £225 if paid upfront or just £85 per month if you prefer to spread the cost over the 12 weeks you’ll be guarantees you lose weight, body fat and look fabulous in time for summer.
Will you be one of our fabulous 10.. sign up today and secure your place, just email or call 01509 437765