What is Emotional Well Being?
5th March 2019

That’s a very good question and one that we gets asked all of the time. Our answer to the question ‘what is emotional well being?’ is that it can be described as a positive mental attitude that allows people to reach their potential, overcome challenges and enjoy life.
Positivity comes and goes, no one feels on top of the world 100% of the time; we should embrace the variety of emotions we have and not be afraid to display them.
Feeling low, from time to time is normal and not a depressive condition; Its more likely that you are tired, or have had a particularly heavy week, which results in feeling a little flat.
The other daily issue which causes many people problems is stress, which is present in everyone’s life. However people with a positive emotional attitude could fair better than their more negative counterparts.
The coping mechanisms of people with a more upbeat outlook on life, identify a number of different ways of finding a solution to issues. More often they will enlist other people to share opinions and thoughts with, additionally they are likely to seek advice, not take criticism personally and overcome the stressful problem.
In contrast people who are feeling emotionally unbalanced or negative, might find it difficult to communicate, listen objectively, and will often take other peoples opinions personally. These individuals are likely to lack confidence and self esteem, attributes which contribute greatly to emotional well being.
Some of the common signs of poor emotional wellbeing are withdrawal, mood swings, agitation, feeling sad and low. If you are experiencing these developing confidence and self esteem can be very tricky if not impossible.
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
Mental health conditions require a clinical diagnosis, where as improving our emotional wellbeing is something we can all benefit from. Feeling low, anxious, stressed or at odds with the world are normal and many a people associate with these emotions on regular basis. It is only when these emotions can’t be managed, hang around for long periods of time and have an impact on living that they become a problem.
Developing emotional well being is helped by understanding that emotions are useful and displaying a range of emotions is positive, especially if you can start to understand where they come from then address the cause.
Building and maintaining strong relationships with people is another way of developing positive emotional wellbeing, as well as staying engaged with the world around you.
Trying to be productive, work efficiently and achieve something positive from the day will help drive confidence and self esteem, even if its just a small achievement it all adds up. Promotion of conversation and communication with others, will also help to reduce tension, the sharing of problems reduces their intensity and in turn the world will eventually feel like a less risky place to live.